What is a Memoir Ghostwriter?

A memoir ghostwriter is someone who helps you tell your true story in written form.

Perhaps you’ve had a profound experience and learned an important life lesson, and you want to share that message with the world (or just your loved ones) as a book. The problem is, you don’t have the time to write it. Or maybe you straight-up hate to write. Or maybe you’re overwhelmed by the process of writing an entire book and don’t even know where to start.

That’s where a ghostwriter comes in.

Working with a ghostwriter to write your book is like hiking Mt. Everest with a guide. It’s still your climb and your victory at the top, but during the entire journey you’ll have by your side someone who is an expert climber with all the best gear—someone who has done this before.

A ghostwriter takes the ideas from your head and puts them on the page in a way that makes sense and honors your true story. Writing well is their specialty. They love it. 

An excellent ghostwriter will spend ample time getting to know you, your story, and your unique storytelling voice so that when they sit down to write, the words sound like yours. A ghostwriter’s goal is to assume your persona, writing the book as you would write it. (If you had the time. And actually wanted to write.)

It’s not just about saving you time, though. Ghostwriters are experts in storytelling techniques and they understand what makes a book engaging and readable. They know how to structure a story, how to develop scenes and characters, and how to put emphasis on the right details so your universal message is front and center.

But why are they called “ghost”writers?

Ghostwriters (sometimes referred to simply as “ghosts”) work behind the scenes, using material you provide them via interviews or notes to write your book in your first-person voice. 

At the end of the project, you are credited as the author and maintain all copyrights. In most cases, ghostwriters are not acknowledged on the cover or interior of the book. Some clients even request that their ghostwriter sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The level of confidentiality required is specific to each client, so if you hire a ghostwriter, that is something you will work out in your contract.

What should I look for in a ghostwriter?

Considering hiring a ghostwriter for your memoir? Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for your perfect match:

Compatibility. Writing a memoir is a long-term project, which means you’ll be spending a lot of time with your ghostwriter. During an initial consultation or discovery call, notice how you feel when talking to your potential ghost. What is their personality like? Do they put you at ease or make you feel nervous? Do they seem to honor and respect your story idea? Could you see yourself working with them for months?

Trust. Along with general compatibility, trustworthiness is perhaps the greatest quality to look for in a ghostwriter. This goes beyond simple honesty. Writing a memoir is an incredibly personal process, and you need to be vulnerable with your ghost so they can write the most compelling story possible. Obviously your relationship will develop over time, but if you’re put off by someone in an initial meeting, they’re probably not the ghost for you.

Writing Skill and Style. Before hiring a ghostwriter, read some of their writing! That could include books for past clients, essays they’ve written, or even blog posts. Ask them about their experience in ghostwriting (how many books and/or how many years in the industry) and if they’ve published any of their own writing. Do you like the way they write? Is it typo-free? Does their personality come through in the writing? Is it enjoyable and easy to read?

Subject Matter. Find a ghost who has experience writing your type of book. Some ghosts write only memoirs, while others will write other types of non-fiction books like personal development, how-to, and business books. If your story has extremely sensitive or graphic elements, make sure to let your potential ghost know, because not all writers will be willing to take on that type of project.

Final Deliverable. What is the end product the ghostwriter is offering? Some ghosts only write manuscripts, then it’s up to you to either DIY the book formatting and publishing, or find another professional to handle that. Other ghosts will help you through the entire process until your book is in your hands.

In the market for a good memoir ghostwriter? Let’s chat and see if we’re a good fit!


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